
Jujube kernel, Poria cocos, lily, aminobutyric acid

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  Jujube kernel is a well-known Chinese herbal medicine, which has the effect of nourishing the heart and liver, calming the heart and calming the nerves. Poria cocos has the effect of good water infiltration, strengthening the spleen and calming the heart, and helps to improve restlessness during sleep. Lily clears the heart and calms the nerves, and has a certain alleviating effect on fatigue, palpitations, insomnia and dreams. γ-aminobutyric acid is an important inhibitory neurotransmitter that inhibits central nervous system hyperexcitation, making it easier for a person to enter a state of relaxation and sleep. Jujube Kernel Poria Cocos γ-aminobutyric acid can help regulate sleep rhythm, shorten the time to fall asleep, prolong sleep time, increase sleep depth, and improve sleep quality.

Contraindications of Jujube Kernel Poria Lily γ-aminobutyric acid tablets:

People with allergies should use with caution: People who are allergic to ingredients such as jujube kernel, poria, lily or γ-aminobutyric acid should avoid using it to avoid allergic reactions, such as skin itching, redness and swelling, difficulty breathing, etc.

Pregnant and lactating women: Pregnant and lactating women are in a special physiological period, and the absorption and metabolism of external substances may change. Due to the lack of sufficient research data to prove the safety of this product in pregnant and lactating women, its use is not recommended to avoid potential adverse effects on the fetus or baby.

Patients with hepatic and renal insufficiency: people with hepatic and renal insufficiency may have impaired metabolic and excretory functions. Taking this product may increase the burden on the liver and kidneys, affect the recovery of liver and kidney function, and even aggravate the condition.

Those who are taking other drugs: If you are taking psychotropic drugs such as sedative-hypnotics, antidepressants, anxiolytics, etc., or are taking other drugs such as antihypertensive drugs and hypoglycemic drugs, you should use Jujube Kernel Poria Lily γ-aminobutyric acid tablets under the guidance of a doctor to avoid interactions between drugs, affecting the efficacy or increasing the risk of adverse reactions.

How to take Jujube Kernel Poria Cocos Lily γ-aminobutyric acid tablets:

Dosage: It is generally recommended to take the recommended dosage as stated on the product leaflet. Dosages may vary depending on the brand and size, but are typically 1-2 tablets 1-2 times daily.

Timing: It is recommended to take it 30 minutes to 1 hour before bedtime to fully exert its sleep-improving effects. If used to relieve anxiety and stress, take it when you feel anxious or stressed.

Directions: Take with lukewarm water, or chew and swallow.

3. It should be noted that although Jujube Kernel Poria Lily γ-GABA Tablets have a certain effect on assisting sleep, they cannot replace medicine to treat diseases. If you have severe sleep disorders, anxiety disorders, or other diseases, you should seek medical attention in time for professional diagnosis and improvement. At the same time, it is also very important to maintain good lifestyle habits, such as regular work and rest, moderate exercise, and reasonable diet, to improve sleep and physical and mental health.